Kevin Sclater, MD

Throughout my career, I have been blessed to be able to work with amazing colleagues and staff and very much enjoy the positive interactions that I have with my patients every day. In addition to family medicine, I enjoy my work at hospice and managing the technology development at the clinic. I won't push it ... but ask me about how emotional and spiritual health contributes to physical wellness. Without faith in God, how can anyone cope with all of life's stresses - especially during a global pandemic?

Burke Mountain Medical Centre has entered a partnership with Burke Mountain Pharmacy to operate a medical clinic within the pharmacy space. Drs. Ezimora and Le Voi have both recently joined me working in the new office and All Care Medical [walk-in] Clinic has relocated to a newer space within the pharmacy. This new space is, in fact, where I started my family practice in 1991, before it was the pharmacy. Everything else remains the same as upstairs: same phone number, staff and clinic resources. Enter through the pharmacy from the door to the parking lot or from the interior of the building. When in the office, have a look at the paintings and prints displayed on the walls - by W.H. Sclater - my father.

W.H. Sclater (1932 - 1978)

My father, William Hamilton Sclater, was an artist. He supported our family, when I was growing up, by selling oil paintings at Vancouver galleries and teaching 'drawing & painting' classes at Place des Arts and at 'night' schools around the Vancouver Lower Mainland.

The painting on the left is from Annieville Slough - near River Road in Richmond. His favorite subjects for his oil paintings were 'fish boats on the Fraser River' and 'old barns in Langley'.

There is a painting of 'old Port Moody' in the reception office area, a Langley barn in the hallway, and several more prints, pastel drawings and paintings in the other interior passages and exam rooms.